Monday, March 7, 2011


No real news to speak of. At the moment am wishing I could go back to the job that I love, but I know that I can't. I miss it dreadfully. So does everyone that leaves it. But they, we, all leave because we have to. The job didn't and doesn't pay enough to live on. But oh, how my heart and soul miss it! Wishing to find a way back, but circumstances and situations, not to mention gas money and car wear and tear....

If only you could go where the heart wants.  Working on making myself happy in the little ways that I can now. Therapy and dr's appts are keeping me from working more than a couple days a week. I wish the people who did this to me could pay, literally for what they did to me, for the procedures I'm undergoing, for my therapy. For my loss of income due to what they did and the time I have to take out to heal my soul.

On a good note though- I am now in posession of the 4th Independent Reader, thanks to a sweet anonymous benefactor.  You know who you are, (though I don't!) and you made my heart smile and me personally squeal and jump up and down. If my scanner was working, I'd post a pic so you know it made it to me in one piece.

Happy day!! And if you know why that book makes me happy, well, hugs to you friendly reader! You're a smart cookie!

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